Check here regularly to see if there are any updates or corrections to patterns that you have previously purchased.
THANK YOU to all the stitchers who bring errors to our attention.
Celebrating Traditional Stitches (correction as of March 26, 2025): Section 2 diagram has an extra row of rhodes and rice stitches. There should be only 6 rows in the section.
Rainbow Stitches (digital download updated December 28, 2024): On the large map - DMC 915 should be DMC 34 and DMC 340 should be DMC 32. The small map was updated but the large map was not. (Note: This design is an exclusive and can only be purchased by Traditional Stitches.
Colour Me Brilliant (digital download updated October 19, 2024): Make sure you stitch the brick stitch background EXACTLY as in the diagrams for sections 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
PASSIONATE ABOUT PURPLE: DMC Perle 8 - 806 is no longer available - substitute DMC Perle 8 - 518
JADE: (digital download updated July 31, 2024)
- Section 1: DMC Perle #8-3814 should be Vineyard Silk C-079
- Section 6: Caron Impressions 083 should be Rainbow Gallery Elegance 869
- Section 10: Perle #8 -3814 should be Vineyard Silk C-079
- Section 11: Caron Impressions 083 should be Vineyard Silk C-079 and Threadworx 71047 should be Kreinik #12- 029.
COLOUR AND TEXTURE: In section 6 E the thread to use is Kreinik #4 braid - 5535. I have also improved the diagram for the Amadeus stitch. If you are having trouble with the stitch, send me an e-mail and I will send it to you.
COLOUR ME SOFTLY: I sent out the first few charts without the colour for the fabric which is Santa Fe Sage.
DEJA VU: In the stitch diagram for the sheaf stitch on page 3, stitches 13 and 15 are in the wrong place. They should both be up one thread.
FANCY THAT: On page 3, in the instructions for the wrapped back stitch, the thread you use is DMC perle cotton #5 - 747.
- The picture on the front page needs to be rotated once clockwise so it will match the main graph and the block numbers on the second page of the instructions.
- Block 2 - 2. Backstitch is worked with one strand of Sparkle braid.
GOLD 'N EBONY: The stitch diagram for the Rhodes diamond on page 6 is too small.
GOLDEN IVORY: On earlier versions of this chart, I missed the thread used for Section 1, the Norwich stitch. Use one strand of the DMC #12 perle cotton.
- On the main graph, at the top of section 6, there is one stitch out of place. It should end one hole over.
- On the stitch diagram for section 4 on page 4 there are three stitches on the right hand side of the inside border that are going in the wrong direction. Contact me if you have trouble with this and I will e-mail the corrected diagram.
IT'S ALL ABOUT HEARTS: I forgot to list the beads for the heart-shaped ornament. You will need 88 of Mill Hill Antique beads - 3021.
JESSICA'S STORY: You will use two spools each of Kreinik #$ braid and #8 braid - 3214.
- On the back cover page, I seriously miscounted the beads needed for all three ornaments.
- For the green ornament you need 244 Delica Beads and 57 bugles.
- The red ornament takes 175 Delica beads and 45 bugles.
- The pink ornament needs 135 Delica beads and 35 bugles.
- On graph 1, the diamond shape on the left hand side of the graph is missing many of the beads. Please use other parts of the chart to get the correct version.
- There were typographical errors on the side two chart. The top right hand block should be block 14 not 19.
- Block 19 (3rd row down) uses only 799 and 800.
- Block 18 on the bottom row uses 798, 799 and 800.
- On page 4, the diagram for block 4 has changed. There are no open threads between all the Rhodes squares.
- On page 7, the diagram for block 14 has changed. It is now two threads wider with the stitches continuing as set.
- Contact me if you would like me to send you the changed diagrams.
LITTLE BOXES: On page 3, Section 1 step 3 the thread used should be 4010HL.
MORE RHODES TO FOLLOW: In section 4, The stitch diagram is showing 31 legs on each side of the triangle. It should be only 29 legs. Contact me and I will send you a corrected diagram.
Some of the older charts may show only one fabric thread between sections 6 and 7 and the tiny Smyrnas in section 8 at the top side of the graph. It should show two threads on all sides of the chart, although you can certainly stitch them either way.
PASTEL PRETTIES: There was an error in the diagram on page page 8 of the chart. The diagram for the small partial Jessicas was wrong. Please contact me if you need this corrected diagram. The file on the website has been corrected as of 2021-05-24.
SATIN VARIATIONS: It has been brought to my attention that the Mandalay is a little hard to find on the Treenway Silks website. Look under "Shop Threads and Ribbons" - Montano Colourway. The thread you need is the six strand floss. If it isn't readily available to you, substitute any of the over-dyed silk threads that blend nicely with the other threads you are using.
STITCH SOFTLY: The name of the canvas colour should be Victorian Green
SUBTLETY IN BLUE: In the first sentence on page 3, it should read count down 7 threads and left 2.
SUNLIT STITCHES - Part 2 Border G on page 3 - The thread needed for the scotch stitches is DMC pearl #5 -745, Not 746.
Part 3: On Page 2, Border M the stitch count should read 34 x 9 threads.
- On the list of supplies, DMC Perle cotton #5 - 746 should be 747. Throughout the instructions, whenever you see 747, read perle #8 - 747. Whenever you see 746, read perle #5 747.
- A few of these charts went out without section numbers on the main graph.If you happen to get one of these, please contact me for a corrected graph.
- At the top of the main graph and on graph 2, the herringbone gone wrong border and the corner Rhodes squares should be moved up one fabric thread. This changes where the herringbone stitch starts and stops. Please contact me and I will send you a corrected graph. In the instructions for section 7, step 1, on page 8, it should read "count over 12 fabric threads and up 22 fabric threads" for the left hand side. For the right hand side it should read " over 10 and up 20.
THE BANQUET: In Part 1-F, The stitch diagram is incorrect. The vertical white lines should be over 3 threads, not four. Contact me if you have not received a corrected diagram.
TIDBITS #2: On Page 2 the heading Block 1-A Stitches should read Block 2-A Stitches. On page 7, In the last paragraph the thread used for the larger triangular sprats head stitches should be DMC Pearl #% - 928.
TIDBITS #3: On page 2, the stitch diagram for the Upright Border Stitches, these stitches should be over just three fabric threads.